Mozos & Moreno Gestores Asesores, strategically located in Benalmádena Costa, with more than 20 years of experience in professionalized advice to our clients.
Among our clients is all kinds of companies, SMEs for the most part, although we also support freelancers and entrepreneurs, our clients are from multiple sectors such as start up, technology companies, construction companies, real estate, market research companies, textile industry, travel agencies, medical and dental cabinets, event organization companies, architecture studios etc.
MORENO & MOZOS develops its professional activity with an approach of management and technical assistance, based on deep knowledge of the Spanish market and public administration, as well as the international scene. We perform all the services that a company needs, becoming partners of our customers.
We provide all the necessary support for a professionalized management of your company with tools that help analyze it from various points of view (risks, quantitative and qualitative analysis), becoming an essential part of the good result in the management of our customers.
Teléfono: 952380020
Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Master en publicidad y Marketing, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija.
Master en Metodologías Docentes, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija.
Idiomas: Español e Inglés.
Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad U.N.E.D. Master en Derecho Fiscal y Tributario. Escuela de Negocios ESADE. Master en Derecho Internacional. Universidad Católica de Lovaina. Master Finance Degree by Havard Extension School
Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Francés.
Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad. UMA. Master en Asesoría Fiscal de empresas. Universidad Pablo de Olavide.
Idiomas: Español e Inglés.
Master Inmobiliario, Real Estate Business School.
Idiomas: Sueco, Inglés, Alemán, Farsi.